Invite an Author to School

Reader’s Favorite Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

In Who Made This Mess?, Dayna Ault gives us a story about the importance of patience and listening… I like how the kids come to their pet’s defense and logically point out the benefits of pet ownership. I enjoyed how their angry mom is won over by the dog’s cuteness and sweetness as well as the pledge of the older kids to care for their pet better. The story is told in a lilting rhyme that small children will enjoy. The full-color illustrations…are delightful, capturing the emotions of the characters. This is a fun story, and Ault’s letter to parents about listening is a good reminder to us all.


“My daughter still loves your book!!!” Ava Leath (daughter pictured in flier)

Let’s do a school visit!

If you have reluctant readers, or those who are struggling to learn important skills…0r even if they LOVE reading and want more, more, more…

What better way to encourage them, than to invite a real, live author for an author visit?

Dayna’s book, “Who Made This Mess?” is a great way to get early learners engaged in story, as they solve the mystery, and then watch some mad negotiation skills as the kids and Mom have to work out a big problem.

What can you learn from a book about messes?

Earliest readers can:

  • Practice hearing the rhyming words

  • Discuss ways of negotiating without getting angry

  • Learn about age-appropriate responsibility

  • All with games and fun activity sheets

Advancing readers can:

  • Hear and create simple rhyming words

  • Recognize healthy vs. unhealthy communication and negotiation skills

  • Learn to work with others in a team

  • Enjoy games and fun activities to learn these skills

Grab a copy of Dayna’s school visit flier, by clicking the button, and let’s talk about bringing an author to your school!