Dayna Ault


Christian Author, Editor & Coach

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1st Place Winner of the 2023 International Firebird Children’s Picture Book Award


Someone is making a horrific mess in the house! Mom is looking for the culprit, but no one will confess. There’s sure to be consequences…more


Follow the Journey

Follow the Journey

Author Update:

We are working hard to get this manuscript ready for publication. Thank you for your patience!

Coming Soon!

Don’t Call Me Boy;

a Black Man’s Quest for Equality

as told by AC Johnson

Follow the story of AC Johnson, born in a overseer’s cabin in Como, Mississippi in the 1940’s. “It were just Momma, Grandma and we chil’rens pickin’ the cotton, cause Daddy had to run for his life.”

Prepare for this middle-grade true story of the hardships of a boy raised in the Deep South during Jim Crow and the courage that got him through. How could a black family faced with little food, scarce medical care and no men, survive as sharecroppers? You will need the whole box of tissues as you read AC’s journey from meager beginnings in Mississippi, to the streets of Memphis with Dr. Martin Luther King.

A truth more compelling than fiction, as told by AC Johnson.

Recorded, transcribed and edited by Dayna Ault

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